
The Easiest Software Learning Platform.

CodeFriends /

πŸ’»Β Β Β Software is Eating the World.

As software is being applied in nearly every industry today, coding and IT knowledge have become essential for growth, not just an option. CodeFriends was created to assist in exploring various career paths through necessary software education in modern society and to develop creative problem-solving skills together.

const message = "Welcome to CodeFriends!";

Enough with the theoretical and boring software learning βœ‹ Create your own website and automation programs, and apply the software knowledge you've learned to real life.

< AI Tutor Demo >

< Deployment & URL Creation Demo >


πŸ–±οΈΒ Β Β Who created CodeFriends?

CodeFriends is a software education service operated by the edutech brand, Geek Haus.


Geek Haus and CodeFriends are helping more people become familiar with software through the popularization of 'programming', the common language of the information age πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

import { Knowledge } from 'coding';


You can experience the main features of CodeFriends through a demo class.

For educational and collaboration proposals, please contact us anytime at πŸ™Œ

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